Direkçi Group Food

As Gustolya, we offer natural sesame, hulled sesame and tahini. All of our products are healthy and high quality.

Natural Sesame

Natural Sesame Seed contains all the natural nutrients of sesame seeds,cleaned to the highest purity to assure quality and safe food standards

Hulled Sesame

Hulled Sesame Seeds is manufactured by removing husk of sesame seeds. Hulled Sesame Seeds are used as topping gents on breads, hamburger, buns, sprinkled, over bread roll, pasty, chocolates & various food preparations


Tahini is manufactured using only the finest mechanically hulled sesame seeds. Our High Quality Tahini paste is made out of 100% pure ground sesame seeds

Please visit for further information on our brand Gustolya and our products.


You may contact our expert team regarding your projects and inquiries.

  • Direkçi Group Food
  • Direkçi Group Food